MATAS corpus (version 1.0) CONTRIBUTORS Erika Rimkutė, Agnė Bielinskienė, Loic Boizou, Virginijus Dadurkevičius, Jolanta Kovalevskaitė, Andrius Utka DESCRIPTION Manually checked, morphologically annotated corpus MATAS LANGUAGE Lithuanian FORMATS 1. CoNLL-U (CONLLU, conllu) 2. SketchEngine - tab delimited word per line (TAB-WPL, txt) SIZE Wordform count: 1,693,410 Sentence count: 144,047 GENRES Genres Files Wordforms % documents(dok) 34 237106 14,0 fiction(gro) 33 327642 19,3 scientific(mok) 38 409183 24,2 news(pub) 30 605729 35,8 transcripts(ste) 3 113750 6,7 POS COUNTS noun(N) 637222 verb(V) 338746 adjective(A) 122391 pronoun(P) 147490 numeral(M) 62265 adverb(R) 105238 preposition(S) 77432 conjunction(C) 129492 particle(Q) 36423 interjection(I) 3015 onomatopoeia(O) 209 abbreviation(Y) 27992 others(X) 5495 punctuation(T) 442306 TAGSETS morphological annotation presented with 3 different tagsets: - Universal Dependencies (POS 4 column, morphological categories 6 column), see; - Jablonskis (5 column) see Documentation folder; - MULTEXT-EAST (10 column), see Documentation folder. The order of columns matches the order of CoNLL-U. JABLONSKIS AND MULTEXT-EAST TAGSETS Jablonskis -> Lithuanian tagset -> human-readable Multext-East -> English tagset -> machine-readable There is no essential difference between "Jablonskis" and MULTEXT-EAST formats in how they treat grammar - both adhere to traditional grammar view. Although, you should note that the scope of MULTEXT-EAST format is somewhat broader. MULTEXT-EAST format distinguishes between subnormal and obscene wordforms while Jablonskis (and UD) does not reflect this. Besides, proper nouns of geografical names, first person names and surnames have special tags in MULTEXT-EAST format, while "Jablonskis" and UD do not have this. UD TAGSET UD mark-up differs from traditional grammar view. - proper nouns are marked as a separate POS (PROPN); - acronyms are marked up as proper nouns; - ordinal numerals are treated as adjectives (with the tag "Ord"); - collective numerals are marked-up as nouns (with the tag "Set"); - necessity participles are marked-up as adjectives, necessity is not considered a grammar category; - adverbial participles2 (būdiniai) are marked-up as adverbs; - simple past (būtasis) and past tense (būtasis kartinis laikas) are marked-up identically, as past tense (Tense=Past); - past frequentative (būtasis dažninis) is marked with two joined tags: simple past + iterative aspect (|Tense=Past|Aspect=Iter|). KNOWN DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THIS AND UD GUIDELINES: - auxiliary verbs (AUX) are not distinguished from common verbs (VERB); - many symbols are marked with punctuation; - unfinished, split words and fragments are not given POS, they are marked as Xg(other); - pronoun categories PronType, Poss, Polite are not marked. KNOWN TAGSET PROBLEMS - proper substandard and obscene words are not marked-up as proper nouns and so may be confused with common nouns; - note that lemmas of verbs "dirbti", "nedirbti", "bedirbti", "tebedirbti", "nebedirbti" are treated as different; - MULTEXT-EAST format has special tags for subnormal and obscene wordforms, as well as for proper nouns of geografical names, first person names and surnames, while "Jablonskis" and UD formats do not reflect this.